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Mosel, Christel |
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Augustin Hirschvogel | Werk |
Schwarz, Karl |
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Caspar David Friedrich and the subject of landscape | Werk |
Koerner, Joseph Leo |
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The art of painting according to the theory and the practise of the best Italian, French and German masters | Werk |
Smith, Marshall |
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Traité de la peinture de Léonard de Vinci | Werk |
Fréart, Roland |
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Dialogue sur le coloris | Werk |
Piles, Roger de |
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Liber de sacrosancto sudario Veronicae | Werk |
Grimaldi, Giacomo |
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Memoria und Bekenntnis | Werk |
Meys, Oliver |
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Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism | Werk |
Panofsky, Erwin |
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Storia dell'arte italiana | Werk |
Argan, Giulio Carlo |
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