The open court (Zeitschrift) | Werk | 4334347-8 | ||
The journal of the Royal Institution of Great Britain | Werk |
Royal Institution of Great Britain |
4531915-7 | |
The philosophical magazine, or annals of chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, natural history and general science | Werk | 4531916-9 | ||
Journal des savants | Werk | 4698729-0 | ||
Bwletin y Bwrdd Gwybodau Celtaidd | Werk |
University of Wales (Cardiff). Board of Celtic Studies |
4798780-7 | |
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift. Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Reihe | Werk |
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena |
7632853-3 | |
Vijenac (Zeitschrift, Zagreb, 1993-) | Werk | 7541074-6 | ||
Izvestija Ural'skogo Federal'nogo Universiteta | Werk |
Uraler Staatliche Universität Ekaterinburg |
1041245033 | |
Diakonia (Zeitschrift, Waldenser) | Werk | 1340204231 | ||
Arte cristiana (Zeitschrift) | Werk | 1121826725 |