Titelangabe | On the linearized theory of wave resistance for a pressure distribution moving at constant speed of advance on the surface of deep or shallow water | Differential and integral calculus in connection with scala and vector fields | On the theory of wave resistance and wave profile | Calculated and observed wave resistances for a series of forms of fuller midsection | A note on the linearized theory of wave resistance for accelerated motion | Surface piercing hydrofoils with self adjusting incidenceand shock absorbers : technical report / Lunde, Johannes K. ; Walderhaug, Harald Aagne | Forelesninger over Hydrodynamikk ved NTH | On the linearized theory of wave resistance for displacement ships in steady and accelerated motion | Hrsg. von: Ship motions and drag reduction : Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics Bergen, Norway 1964 | Den lineære hydrodynamiske bølgemotstandsteori for deplasementskip | Skipsmodellprøving | Bølgemotstandens lineære teori og dens anvendelse på skipsformete legemer i bevegelse på dypt, smult vann | Elementary tensor calculus | Hydrodynamikk. - [2. ed.]. - 1955 | Elementary matrix algebra | Practical ship forms of minimum wave resistance : second report / Lunde, Johannes K. ; Walderhaug, Harald Aagne. -1961 | Experiments with three single-screw merchant-ship models | On the theory of wave resistance and wave profile. On thewave resistance of a ship moving in a canal which is infinitely deep | Vectors, second order Cartesian tensors and integral theorems | Elementary vector algebra | The Linearized theory of wave resistance and its application to ship-shaped bodies in motion on the surface of a deep, previously undisturbed fluid. -1957 | Skipsmodellprøving : forelesninger holdt ved Norges tekniske høgskole | Mathematics for engineers | Wave resistance calculations at high speeds | Hydrodynamikk | Linear vector functions and dyadics | A note on the linearized deep water theory of wave profile and wave resistance calculations | Mitarb. von: Proceedings / Symposium on Wave Energy Utilization 1979 Göteborg. Jansson, Karl-Gustav ; Rindby, Thomas..m.fl. | 300 tons, 50 knots hydrofoilcraft : second report / Lunde, Johannes K. ; Walderhaug, Harald Aagne. -1962 | Hydrodynamikk. - [3. ed.]. - 1966